Fair Use

I never new about Fair use. I thought that pretty much everything was copyrighted, yet people use other people's work just because they can. I didn't realize how big of an issue copyright was until this year. I always thought it was something we did in school so we didn't get cited for plagiarism, and that was it. Now I notice how big of a problem it is in many aspects of life and how important it is or it can ruin your, or someone else's, work. Copyright, however, is trumped by Fair Use in some situations. This is the situations in when it is essentially "okay" to uses copyrighted images. Some examples for this are for educational purposes, if you ask the creator for permission and get it, or if you are not harming the creators work and not producing profits from it. In our projects we have upcoming for class, we are able to use copyrighted images due to it being required for an educational purpose and there is no profit being made or harm being done to the creator.  
File:Copyright- all rights reserved.png
Image by MikeBlogs via WikiMedia


  1. Hey, I enjoyed reading you blog about fair use. It is funny because I was not completely aware of all the different copyright laws until college as well. I would think of it as citing a research paper or something of that nature. I wrote my posts about digital artists. Digital artists create images that use ten to twenty different photographs, but the question is whether or not they can do this. The answer is that they can as long as they use stock images, or images that are labeled for re use. I thought this was an interesting topic that connects well with the idea of fair use! Overall, great work by telling a compelling story and relating it back to education. I hope to read more of your work in the future! Have a good weekend!


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