Gender Gap in Gaming

Apparently, there is a huge issue in the gaming community with gender (as of recent). I had no idea this was a problem and I am decently involved in the gaming community. According to this video, woman feel disregarded and downgraded in both the gaming community and the games themselves. I was baffled by this video and how offended woman are in the gaming world. In my experience, most girls do not want anything to do with gaming. Some, however, do things like live stream and consider it to be one of their hobbies. I personal think this all boils down to woman wanting to be equal in everything men do. I understand that, but this is just dumb. If you want to game, then game. Don't ask the creators of the games to change them because you feel degraded. If you feel this way then don't play that game and find one that appeals to your liking. There was a video we watched in class about girl gamers being targeted by male gamers because of their gender. Threats were have said to have been thrown around and started a huge 67 million people having a problem with what games have depicted woman as. I think this is not an issue and it is just woman finding another thing they want to be equal with men on. Again, I understand and respect equal rights but disagree with this new complaint.
Image result for girl playing video game
Image by RebeccaPollard via Flickr


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