The benefit of Imrpov

Before class we were asked to read about Tina Fey's Rules of Imrpov.  I did not think anything of it and just thought it would be used in another context. However, today we actually did improv in class (after we picked groups for our first project). At first I did not know how it interacted and went with what we doing; I thought it was a waste of time. Controversially, we were improving our first and second stage of group development by conversing with each one of the group members and getting a "feel" for one another. After we came together as a class I understood more and realized fully that this was the goal of the improv assignments. I believe this helped and was a good tool used to interact with my group members, get to know them a little better, and establish rapport with one another in order to be successful as a group for our collaboration project. After this we easily came up with a group name that we all liked and agreed on; whereas before it was difficult to agree on a name. This is just a minor example of a way to ease into the first and second stage of the development of a group.
File:Improv performing at banglore.jpg

Image by Ireneshih via WikiMedia


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