Collaborative Project 2

We have now started our collaborative project 2. In this assignment we are to choose a topic we feel fairly strongly about that doesn't get enough notice. At first we had a really weird and specific topic but we changed our topic to Modern Slavery. This an a much easier topic to talk about, find research about, and give people awareness to. To most people in the United States, slavery is gone and not even an issue anymore. However, they are far from the truth and my project will expose just how much slavery still is involved in the world today both in the States and around the world. We are to present this information to the class and show what we can do about it and how we will get the word out. My piece in this presentation is the spreadability and how we should get awareness out to people so the issue is known. Fortunately, slavery is something that is hated by most people and I think it will be easy to spread it around and get the message out.
Image by Roka TYT via Wikimedia


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